klekti by sergey malina

Every life event leaves us with different experiences — we see, we hear, we feel.I try to express, through my art, complex and multidimentional events of life in response to my own experiences. Some are visual, others are heard and felt rather than seen. Nevertheless, all can be expressed through the visual art language I use, I called ‘Klekti’ (collective emotions). For example, the emotion of music can be expressed through colour in an abstract way, whereas other experiences are best expressed in a representative art imagery. Each life event, no matter how small, invokes a multitude of emotions and leaves many images in our memory.

A visit to Venice is not just a ride on gondola or a view of 300 year old Cathedral, it is also a stroll on a street at night or a street light accented with golden blue colours — combined they invoke a strong feeling. All of the above elements make a single lasting multi-dimensional impression or memory of your visit which stays in your mind forever. ‘Klekti’ allows me to express a collective set of emotions in a single painting.

Sergey Malina
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